ECJ ruling may complicate EU proposals on marine protection

A judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), issued in November 2018, may have implications for proposals for the creation of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Antarctica which were presented to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic…

Worrying news: East Antarctic ice sheet is melting

For a long time, it was thought that the East Antarctic ice sheet was stable, unlike the west of the continent. But now scientists have found signs of significant melting with potentially serious consequences for rising sea levels. Read more…

Scientists discover hotspot at the South Pole

New research with ice-penetrating radar has revealed hot rocks under the Antarctic ice sheet at the South Pole. The heat is causing the bottom of the ice to melt. It's a relatively small effect, but a big surprise for the scientists! And…
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Manifestation Climat à Bruxelles ce 2/12/2018

Grand succès pour cette manifestation, à laquelle je participais sous la bannière "Uccle en transition". Une mobilisation toutes générations confondues, de 7 à 77 ans, voire plus. Toutes langues confondues également, puisqu'on entendait…