
Microplastics found in 10 year old ice core

Scientists have found microplastics in an ice core taken from east Antarctica in 2009. It's not clear where the plastic came from. But it's possible that it is the result of local pollution from visitors to the continent (researchers and tourists) …

Video: sneaking up on sleeping whales

Take a look at this news report that captures the challenges of trying to tag sleeping whales, so scientists can understand how to better protect them. It's not easy to sneak up on a whale! But this is a serious endeavour as the interviewees…
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Manmade pollution reaches Antarctica

A new report from Greenpeace has worrying news for the Antarctic wilderness. Scientists have found microplastics and persistent hazardous chemicals in snow and water samples from remote areas of the continent. Greenpeace and the EU are calling…

Recensement de particules de plastique dans l’Océan Austral

Des chercheurs belges sont partis ce mercredi vers le détroit de Gerlache, dans la Péninsule Antarctique,  où ils vont étudier la biodiversité marine. Ils vont aussi recenser les particules de plastique dans l'Océan Austral, considéré,…

‘Shame and anger’ at plastic

Scientists advising the BBC's Blue Planet II series on life in the seas are horrified at the amount of plastic that now reaches even the world's remotest places. Antarctica is no exception and albatrosses in the Southern Ocean are being killed…

BAS explores impact of plastic in the polar regions

Scientists have found plastic waste almost everywhere on Earth and Antarctica's once pristine seas and shorelines are also being polluted with debris and particles of microplastics. Over the next three years, the British Antarctic Survey (BAS)…