
Not quite so bad? New research on ice loss

The direst predictions of sea-level rise caused by melting Antarctic ice sheets may not come about, so says new research published in Nature. However, the impact of ice loss on the climate are still not fully understood and may even be worse…
Source NASA

Manhattan-sized cavity under Thwaites glacier

Satellite data from a NASA-led project has revealed a massive cavity under the Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica. The cavity covers an area about two-thirds the area of Manhattan and is 300 m tall. This discovery has surprised scientists who…

UK teams sets 2 km record for hot-water drilling

A UK team has drilled over 2152 metres down to the base of the West Antarctic ice sheet, setting a new record for hot-water drilling. Often scientists remove 'ice cores' to learn more about how our planet responded to climate change in the…
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Where is Antarctica heading?

What will Antarctica look like in 2070? Will it be transformed almost beyond recognition? Will global warming lead a huge loss of ice, major sea level rise, radical upheaval to ecosystems, and a massive in growth in human presence and resource…

Worrying news: East Antarctic ice sheet is melting

For a long time, it was thought that the East Antarctic ice sheet was stable, unlike the west of the continent. But now scientists have found signs of significant melting with potentially serious consequences for rising sea levels. Read more…
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Manifestation Climat à Bruxelles ce 2/12/2018

Grand succès pour cette manifestation, à laquelle je participais sous la bannière "Uccle en transition". Une mobilisation toutes générations confondues, de 7 à 77 ans, voire plus. Toutes langues confondues également, puisqu'on entendait…

BAS scientists react strongly to latest IPCC report

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report on Monday 8 Oct 2018, calling for global action to prevent catastrophic climate change. Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) talked about their…

East Antarctic mosses dying out due to climate change

Antarctica has very little vegetation apart from a few extremely hardy mosses that grow in East Antarctica. Now it seems these are dying off due to climate change which has made the region much drier. Read the BBC's news item or the scientific…

ICESat-2 launches to measure polar ice

What's happening to the Antarctic ice-sheet? How quickly is it melting and by how much? A couple of days ago NASA launched ICESat-2 which will allow scientists to get a clear picture of ice-sheet loss at both poles - and the potential sea-level…

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