
Le « trou » le plus profond sur Terre se trouve en Antarctique

Ce « trou » se trouve sous le glacier Denman, à l'est de l'Antarctique. Il descend à plus de 3,5 kilomètres - seules des fosses sous-marines descendent encore plus bas ! Pour en savoir plus : https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/videos/antarctique-decouvrez-point-emerge-plus-profond-terre-6498/ https://www.journaldugeek.com/2019/12/16/trou-profond-terre-antarctique/ En…
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Petites bêtes, grand froid

Annick Wilmotte est une chercheuse belge, spécialiste des cyanobactéries, qui s’est rendue en Antarctique à plusieurs reprises. Dans cet article fascinant (lien ci-dessous), paru dans la revue de ULiège, elle parle de sa carrière. Elle…

Human activity brings invasive species to Antarctica

Human presence in Antarctica has already affected some of its delicate ecology and climate change will make it easier for invasive species to establish themselves. So says a new report which explores the impact of human activity on Antarctica's…

Emperor penguins risk extinction due to climate change

New research shows that Emperor penguins risk extinction by the end of the century if global temperatures continue to rise. Warming will lead to the loss of sea ice around Antarctica. And if that happens, the Emperor penguins will lose the very…

Sustainable living possible everywhere, even in Antarctica

How do scientists conduct their research without impacting the fragile Antarctic environment? Dr Kate Winter of Northumbria University, UK, explains how sustainable living is possible even in the extremes of Antarctica. Read more in her fascinating…

Les plus vieilles glaces de l’Antarctique révèlent leurs secrets

De nouvelles recherches posent des questions sur les cycles de glaciation de la Terre. https://www.lemonde.fr/sciences/video/2019/11/08/les-plus-vieilles-glaces-de-l-antarctique-revelent-leurs-secrets_6018447_1650684.html  

Antarctica’s amazing insect

Did you know Antarctica's largest native land animal is a flightless insect measuring less than one centimetre? 'Belgica Antarctica' as it's known in Latin may be tiny but this little midge is tough. It can survive being frozen for most of the…

Chroniques de Voyages en Antarctique

Nous vous invitons à découvrir de très belles émissions sur franceculture. Chroniques de Voyages en Antarctique Nicolas Martin suit une vingtaine de personnes de tous horizons - des ornithologues, glaciologues, menuisiers, mécaniciens,…
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What future for Antarctica? ISPI asks challenging questions

Earlier this month, the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) published a thought-provoking dossier online, with the title 'The Global Race for Antarctica: China vs. the Rest of the World'. It looks at questions such…

Extraordinary plan to save the West Antarctic ice sheet

Melting Antarctic ice sheets could lead to massive rises in sea levels, threatening some of the world's great cities such as New York which are built near the ocean. Can these cities be saved? Some scientists at the Potsdam Institute for…