Photo prise le 20 janvier 2016 dans la mer de Ross, bordant l’Antarctique. PHOTO / Samuel Blanc / Biosphoto / via AFP

Methane leak found on Antarctic sea floor

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas. Now, researchers from Oregon State University have found it leaking from the Antarctic sea floor under the Ross Sea. Previously, scientists believed that if there were undersea methane leaks, micro-organisms…

Good news for Adelies!

Climate change is threatening many species of animals across the world. But Adelie penguins are benefiting from the loss of sea ice - they much prefer swimming in the sea instead of waddling over the ice! Read more:…

Antarctica warming faster than the rest of the world

The interior of the Antarctic may be warming much faster than the rest of the world. So says new research, which looked at natural climate variability and human-made climate change. It's another warning that we can't wait to act on climate…

Mystère de l’œuf géant

Depuis sa découverte en 2011, le mystère plane sur les origines d’un œuf à coquille molle de 18 cm sur 28 cm trouvé en Antarctique. Quel animal a pu pondre un tel œuf – le deuxième plus grand jamais découvert ? Finalement, les chercheurs…

Antarctica’s meteorite mystery

Meteorites are dark coloured lumps of rock that fall from space to earth. They can be very small but on a continent covered in snow and ice, it's easy to see them. So you might think that makes Antarctica an ideal place for scientists looking…

Ice shelves may disappear very rapidly

New research that examined the ridges on the sea bed in Antarctica suggests that floating ice shelves could melt back by 6 miles (about 10km) per year. Although some scientists dispute the findings of the study, if correct it could have major…

Parts of ‘White Continent’ turn green

As parts of Antarctica experience warmer weather, the snow is turning green. The colour is caused by blooms of algae which grow on the slushy snow, nourished by the nutrients in penguin droppings. Scientists discovered the blooms on satellite…

Antarctica in the time of corona virus

While millions of people around the world are coping with COVID-19 lockdowns, scientists and support staff in Antarctica are preparing to ‘lockdown’ for their winter isolation. They will be completely cut off from the rest of the world in…

Images show Antarctic ice loss in exceptional detail

Data from space is allowing scientists to understand ice loss in Antarctica as never before. The high resolution images are both beautiful and concerning, illustrating in great detail where ice is thinning. See more here: https://www.nyt…

Microplastics found in 10 year old ice core

Scientists have found microplastics in an ice core taken from east Antarctica in 2009. It's not clear where the plastic came from. But it's possible that it is the result of local pollution from visitors to the continent (researchers and tourists) …