March of Penguins to support calls for world’s biggest wildlife reserve

Greenpeace has begun 2018 with the March of the Penguins. Model penguins have appeared in cities all over the world to promote its campaign to support calls to create the world's biggest wildlife reserve in Antarctica. The proposal was originally…

European Polar Board scientific initiatives

If you'd like to know more about the kind of science going on in the Antarctic, visit the new European Polar Board website launched in December 2017. It has a round-up of some interesting projects:  

Rescued radar images reveal what’s under the ice

Scientists in the US are about to share some two million newly digitised images from radar surveys of Antarctica conducted in the 1960s and 1970s. The images let researchers 'see' hundreds or even thousands of metres down through the ice to…

‘Shame and anger’ at plastic

Scientists advising the BBC's Blue Planet II series on life in the seas are horrified at the amount of plastic that now reaches even the world's remotest places. Antarctica is no exception and albatrosses in the Southern Ocean are being killed…

Aerial video of striped iceberg

Extraordinary images of a striped iceberg from the Institute Polaire français Paul-Emile Victor. See them here:

Dr Robert Mulvaney talks about Beyond Epica

British Antarctic Survey scientist Dr Robert Mulvaney explains the European 'Beyond Epica' project and what it's like to be part of the ongoing hunt for the oldest ice record. Read his personal account here.

Past massive volcanic eruptions linked to abrupt Southern hemisphere climate change

Some 17,700 years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions occurred in Antarctica. They lasted for 192 years, and coïncided with a dramatic change in climate: winds, sea ice, ocean circulation... everything was affected on and around the continent.…

Rencontre avec des labbes antarctiques (skua)

Début 2017, Annabelle Kremer, formatrice à la Maison pour la science en Alsace est partie vivre deux mois à la station Dumont d'Urville, Terre Adélie, Antarctique. Elle est rentrée avec quelques vidéos.

Wind as engine of climate in sea-ice formation

Italian and French Researchers have found that winds blowing in Antarctica constitute a fundamental element regarding climate, may-be even more than temperatures. The so-called "katabatic winds", i.e winds descending from the continent down…

BAS explores impact of plastic in the polar regions

Scientists have found plastic waste almost everywhere on Earth and Antarctica's once pristine seas and shorelines are also being polluted with debris and particles of microplastics. Over the next three years, the British Antarctic Survey (BAS)…