Financial Times video about Antarctica

A surprising topic for the Financial Times but a great 4-minute introduction to Antarctica, why research is important and what it's like to spend time on a base there. See it here.

Call to stop sale of krill-based products

Krill (tiny crustaceans) are fundamental to the oceans' food chains, but Antarctic krill are under threat from industrial fishing. Greenpeace has launched a call to stop the sale of krill-based health food products in the UK as part of its wider…

Geoengineering islands to stop ice melt flowing into the sea

Scientists based in Finland and the US are suggesting radical solutions such as building artifical islands to block the flow of melt water from Antarctic glaciers reaching the sea. They believe that this geoengineering is the best solution to…

Sea ice blocks mission to Larsen C Ice Shelf

Heavy sea ice has prevented an international team of scientists from reaching the area where the massive "A68" iceberg broke off from the Larsen C Ice Shelf in July 2017. When the iceberg calved it exposed parts of the seabed never accessible…

La colonie de manchot à Crozet (TAAF) au mois de février 2018

A voir! Cette belle photo panoramique de la colonie de manchots de la Baie du Marin à Crozet, prise au mois de février 2018 par Rébecca Garcia, la volontaire au service civique du programme 137 ECOPHY de la mission 53 à Crozet. L’archipel…

King penguins at risk from climate change

With their bright yellow markings on the head and chest, King penguins are an iconic species of the sub-Antaractic islands in the Southern Ocean. But recent research shows that these much-loved birds are at risk from climate change. The Southern…

A clearer picture of Antarctic ice loss

New techniques developed by NASA are enabling scientists to calculate ice flow into the sea in greater detail than ever before.  And there are some dramatic results: the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is losing ice at an accelerating rate probably…

Recensement de particules de plastique dans l’Océan Austral

Des chercheurs belges sont partis ce mercredi vers le détroit de Gerlache, dans la Péninsule Antarctique,  où ils vont étudier la biodiversité marine. Ils vont aussi recenser les particules de plastique dans l'Océan Austral, considéré,…

Ceci n’est pas un dauphin

Gauthier Chapelle, Yvan Beck et José Javier Paniagua: trois hommes unis pour la cause animale, à commencer par les dauphins, lors d'une soirée "Enlivrons-nous" à Uccle le 5 février, à laquelle j'ai eu la chance de participer. Quel rapport…

Urgent mission to explore 120,000 year old marine ecosystem

In 2017, an exceptionally huge iceberg called A-68 calved off the Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Now an international team of scientists is racing to explore the ancient marine ecosystem which has been exposed. It's a unique chance to study…