Future projections for the Antarctic ice sheet until the year 2300 with a climate-index method

Abstract As part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) was devised to assess the likely sea-level-rise contribution from the Earth's ice sheets. Here,…

Antarctic sea ice has been at record low levels for months — here’s what that means

Antarctic sea ice has been at record low levels for the past few months. That’s not a great sign for the planet, which has been reaching record high temperatures within the last week, but it’s also not as bad as the decades-long melting…

Des scientifiques ont fait une découverte étonnante sur les cascades rouge sang en Antarctique

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La recherche britannique en Antarctique à la poursuite de la neutralité carbone

Des stations qui adoptent les énergies renouvelables, des routes maritimes économes en carburant identifiées par l'intelligence artificielle... Même en conditions extrêmes, les opérations de recherche scientifique du Royaume-Uni dans…

The women who run Antarctica’s ‘penguin post office’

CNN When this year’s all-woman team arrived on Antarctica’s Goudier Island to run the world’s most remote post office, it was shovels they needed rather than stamps. They’d traveled some 8,000 miles from the UK, by plane and boat,…

Scientists monitoring ‘doomsday’ glacier in Antarctic warn climate change happening faster than ever before

Collapse of the Thwaites glacier and its accompanying ice sheet could lead to more than three metres of sea level rise. The British Antarctic Survey is hoping to find out how fast it might collapse Antarctica is changing at “a pace that…

Antarctic ice shelves experienced only minor changes in surface melt since 1980, study finds

Antarctic ice shelves have experienced only minor changes in surface melt rates over the past four decades, unlike the rapid increase in surface melt experienced by Greenland's glaciers during the same time period, according to new research.…

Fractured foundations: how Antarctica’s ‘landfast’ ice is dwindling and why that’s bad news

There’s more to Antarctic ice than meets the eye. Sea ice is not a uniform crust overlying the salty Southern Ocean. Our new research is the first to review the many crucial roles of “landfast” sea ice around Antarctica. Landfast ice…

Climat : l’Arctique pourrait être privé de glace de mer en été dès 2030

L’Arctique pourrait être privé de glace de mer en été dès les années 2030, soit bien plus tôt qu’estimé, même dans un scénario de faibles émissions de gaz à effet de serre, affirment des chercheurs dans un article…

Hands off Antarctic, demand protesters

Hands off Antarctic, demand protesters Door to the global fridge should be locked, say activists Suited executives with money bulging from their pockets poured oil over an iceberg in Kalk Bay on Monday while holding signs stating “profit…