
A clearer picture of Antarctic ice loss

New techniques developed by NASA are enabling scientists to calculate ice flow into the sea in greater detail than ever before.  And there are some dramatic results: the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is losing ice at an accelerating rate probably…

Fossil forest found in Antarctica

Researching in Antarctica, geologists Erik Gulbranson and John Isbell from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee have discovered fossils of trees that existed before the age of the dinosaurs. These ancient trees (alive over 260 million years…

El Nino reaches to Antarctica

Recent research by the European Space Agency continues to confirm the complex interconnectedness of our planet's weather and climate systems - including how the El Nino event in the Pacific Ocea affects ice shelves off Antarctica. For more…

Aerial video of striped iceberg

Extraordinary images of a striped iceberg from the Institute Polaire français Paul-Emile Victor. See them here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x65ftwq

Past massive volcanic eruptions linked to abrupt Southern hemisphere climate change

Some 17,700 years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions occurred in Antarctica. They lasted for 192 years, and coïncided with a dramatic change in climate: winds, sea ice, ocean circulation... everything was affected on and around the continent.…

Rencontre avec des labbes antarctiques (skua)

Début 2017, Annabelle Kremer, formatrice à la Maison pour la science en Alsace est partie vivre deux mois à la station Dumont d'Urville, Terre Adélie, Antarctique. Elle est rentrée avec quelques vidéos.

Le baroud d'honneur de l'Astrolabe

Voici une vidéo sur l'ultime expédition du navire scientifique l'Astrolabe, dont dépendait jusque là pour son ravitaillement la Base française Dumont-Durville. Le navire prend désormais une retraite bien méritée... et active, puisqu'il…