
ICESat-2 launches to measure polar ice

What's happening to the Antarctic ice-sheet? How quickly is it melting and by how much? A couple of days ago NASA launched ICESat-2 which will allow scientists to get a clear picture of ice-sheet loss at both poles - and the potential sea-level…

Paul Nicklen: photographer who captures the beauty of the poles

We recommend this inspiring article about Paul Nicklen who grew up in the north of Canada, learning survival techniques from the indigenous people. He has since become world-famous for his breathtaking wildlife photos taken in both the Artic…

Antarctic Live in London

If you are in London over the next few days there's still time to catch Antarctica Live at the Science Museum - a festival of art and science, which includes dance as a way to celebrate the continent's extraordinary beauty. The festival ends…
unsplash-logoLeo Furiolo

Southern Ocean among the last wildernesses of the seas

A new study shows that just 13.2% of the Earth's oceans are now truly wild. The seas around the Antarctic contain some of these remaining wilderness, which makes efforts to create new marine protected areas (our previous blog post) all the more…

Stronger winds bring bad news

Modelling the impact of CO2 on the oceans and climate is a complex task. Now, new research suggests that stronger westerly winds around Antarctica will mean that the Southern Ocean absorbs less CO2 in future. This new information will help scientists…

Industry limits krill fishing in Southern Ocean

Good news for efforts to conserve the Antarctic's fisheries and the fragile eco-systems of the Southern Ocean! In early July (2018), the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies (ARK), which represents 85 percent of the krill industry…

Grand succès de l’exposition à Uccle

Le Wolvendael, Magazine d'Uccle, vient de publier cet article attestant du succès de l'exposition photos "Sentinelles de l'extrême" organisée à la Maison des Arts en avril dernier, ainsi que de la Table Ronde sur la vie en Antarctique…
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Table ronde: des débats passionnants à continuer

La Table Ronde du 30 avril sur la vie en Antarctique a été un moment fort de "Sentinelles de l'extrême". Trois scientifiques nous ont conté leurs aventures dans ces territoires isolés. Des aventures bien différentes les unes des autres,…

Financial Times video about Antarctica

A surprising topic for the Financial Times but a great 4-minute introduction to Antarctica, why research is important and what it's like to spend time on a base there. See it here.

La colonie de manchot à Crozet (TAAF) au mois de février 2018

A voir! Cette belle photo panoramique de la colonie de manchots de la Baie du Marin à Crozet, prise au mois de février 2018 par Rébecca Garcia, la volontaire au service civique du programme 137 ECOPHY de la mission 53 à Crozet. L’archipel…