Could old bones influence the future of Antarctica?

The bones of a woman from Chile discovered in Antarctica date back to the 19th century according to a recent BBC article. And this could have an impact on the continent's future when the Antarctica Treaty comes up for renewal in 2048. Read …

Stunning new high-res map of Antarctica

A team from the University of Minnesota has recently published a stunning new map of Antarctica: the Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica. The map shows the continent's features in extraordinary detail and will be a powerful tool for scientists…

BAS scientists react strongly to latest IPCC report

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report on Monday 8 Oct 2018, calling for global action to prevent catastrophic climate change. Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) talked about their…


"Entretiens-Monde" est une plateforme de rencontres à l'initiative de collègues fonctionnaires européens: Michel Coomans, Jean Bourlès, Joël Le Quément. Je connais bien ce dernier, il travaillait comme moi à la Direction Générale "Recherche"…

Kelp surfs to Antarctica

It used to be thought Antarctica was cut off from the rest of the world. But earlier this summer, scientists published a paper showing that kelp had reached the continent by 'surfing' on the ocean waves driven by the wind. Read more...