ECJ ruling may complicate EU proposals on marine protection

A judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), issued in November 2018, may have implications for proposals for the creation of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Antarctica which were presented to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic…
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Manifestation Climat à Bruxelles ce 2/12/2018

Grand succès pour cette manifestation, à laquelle je participais sous la bannière "Uccle en transition". Une mobilisation toutes générations confondues, de 7 à 77 ans, voire plus. Toutes langues confondues également, puisqu'on entendait…

A powerful call to reform the Antarctic Treaty

Will Antarctica remain a haven for biodiversity and science or will other interests - commercial and political - win out? Is it properly protected by the current Antarctic Treaty and its governance? This editorial from the scientific journal,…

International community again fails to agree on Marine Protected Area

The recent meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) ended on 2nd November 2018 with no agreement on the creation of a new Marine Protected Area (MPA) in East Antarctica. This is the seventh…

Could old bones influence the future of Antarctica?

The bones of a woman from Chile discovered in Antarctica date back to the 19th century according to a recent BBC article. And this could have an impact on the continent's future when the Antarctica Treaty comes up for renewal in 2048. Read …

Industry limits krill fishing in Southern Ocean

Good news for efforts to conserve the Antarctic's fisheries and the fragile eco-systems of the Southern Ocean! In early July (2018), the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies (ARK), which represents 85 percent of the krill industry…
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Manmade pollution reaches Antarctica

A new report from Greenpeace has worrying news for the Antarctic wilderness. Scientists have found microplastics and persistent hazardous chemicals in snow and water samples from remote areas of the continent. Greenpeace and the EU are calling…

Call to stop sale of krill-based products

Krill (tiny crustaceans) are fundamental to the oceans' food chains, but Antarctic krill are under threat from industrial fishing. Greenpeace has launched a call to stop the sale of krill-based health food products in the UK as part of its wider…

Urgent mission to explore 120,000 year old marine ecosystem

In 2017, an exceptionally huge iceberg called A-68 calved off the Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Now an international team of scientists is racing to explore the ancient marine ecosystem which has been exposed. It's a unique chance to study…

China recognises risks of Antarctic tourism

Tourism is expanding in Antarctica, including a huge rise in visitors from China. Can Antarctica's environment cope with this influx of people? The Chinese government has launched measures to try to tackle this issue. Read more...