Recensement de particules de plastique dans l’Océan Austral

Des chercheurs belges sont partis ce mercredi vers le détroit de Gerlache, dans la Péninsule Antarctique,  où ils vont étudier la biodiversité marine. Ils vont aussi recenser les particules de plastique dans l'Océan Austral, considéré,…

Ceci n’est pas un dauphin

Gauthier Chapelle, Yvan Beck et José Javier Paniagua: trois hommes unis pour la cause animale, à commencer par les dauphins, lors d'une soirée "Enlivrons-nous" à Uccle le 5 février, à laquelle j'ai eu la chance de participer. Quel rapport…

Urgent mission to explore 120,000 year old marine ecosystem

In 2017, an exceptionally huge iceberg called A-68 calved off the Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Now an international team of scientists is racing to explore the ancient marine ecosystem which has been exposed. It's a unique chance to study…

Celia Sapart, a scientist and her blog

Celia Sapart est climatologue et glaciologue. Elle relate en français et en anglais sur son blog jalonné d'anecdotes ses passionnantes aventures antarctiques, magnifiques images à l'appui.…

Fossil forest found in Antarctica

Researching in Antarctica, geologists Erik Gulbranson and John Isbell from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee have discovered fossils of trees that existed before the age of the dinosaurs. These ancient trees (alive over 260 million years…

China recognises risks of Antarctic tourism

Tourism is expanding in Antarctica, including a huge rise in visitors from China. Can Antarctica's environment cope with this influx of people? The Chinese government has launched measures to try to tackle this issue. Read more...

SCAR celebrates its 60th birthday

SCAR (The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) is celebrating its 60th birthday. SCAR conducts international scientific research in the Antarctic region and studies the role of the Antarctic region in the Earth system. It also gives independent…

El Nino reaches to Antarctica

Recent research by the European Space Agency continues to confirm the complex interconnectedness of our planet's weather and climate systems - including how the El Nino event in the Pacific Ocea affects ice shelves off Antarctica. For more…

Exceptional! Live discussion at the European Parliament with a scientist direct from Concordia Base

A unique event took place yesterday at the European Parliament (EP). It was a live web call with senior climatologist Dr Jérôme Chappellaz who is currently at the Franco-Italian Concordia Base in Antarctica, with EP Vice-President Heidi…

March of Penguins to support calls for world’s biggest wildlife reserve

Greenpeace has begun 2018 with the March of the Penguins. Model penguins have appeared in cities all over the world to promote its campaign to support calls to create the world's biggest wildlife reserve in Antarctica. The proposal was originally…